Replica of Johnny's Samurai Jacket

Outer Torso       Rare / Iconic
replica of johnny samurai jacket clothing cyberpunk2077 wiki guide
A copy of the original from the days when Johnny still had a body.

Replica of Johnny's Samurai Jacket is an Outer Torso armor in Cyberpunk 2077.  Armor in addition to protection, there will be several features that allow you to create your visual style, and your style will affect gameplay, storyline, and relationships between characters. Your appearance and your dress will change the behavior of NPCs, and will also affect the story. Style and appearance work together with the personality you create for your character.


A copy of the original from the days when Johnny still had a body


Replica of Johnny's Samurai Jacket Information

  • Rarity: Rare


Where the Replica of Johnny's Samurai Jacket is found/bought


Replica of Johnny's Samurai Jacket Notes and Trivia



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    • FYI while the Rare version has an empty Mod slot, the crafted Epic version does NOT. The epic version came with a "5 Damage over Time Reduction" for me (although I'm not sure whether that's random), but this is not on a mod like it normally is.

      • Anonymous

        When i upgrade to epic, then to legend, the previous jacket still remain in my inventory (both, blue and purple)
        is becouse the mission mark right?

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